Tait is running from one side of the living room to the other. He's Jason Witten and your job as the quarterback (while sitting on the couch) is to hit him with a perfect pass while he comes across the middle. Sometimes he catches it. Sometimes he doesn't. And sometimes he runs into something or falls down... Those are the instant replays. Last night he tried to do a spin after catching the ball, tripped over his feet and fell into the "endzone". I wasn't surprised when he got up and quickly said, "Mom, watch the replay! Jason Witten got tackled in the endzone!" He proceeded to re-enact in super slow motion (including sound) his twirl and tumble effort followed by a successful touchdown. It's beyond cute.
I guess he'll be ready for football when he gets big enough but 29 pounds is definitely too small for football!
In a salute to Tait's appreciation of instant replay, lets revisit some of my favorite Tait quotes from past years.
My grandparents (Tait's Sonny & Hunny) took him home with them after a wedding celebration last year. He talked them into driving through McDonalds to grab him some dinner.
Sonny: What do you want to eat Tait?
Tait: I'll have a hamburger with no ham please.
Here is Tait feeding the ducks with Sonny.
One day we were in the car after I had picked him up from daycare. Out of nowhere Tait says, "Mom, do you want me to teach you how to Dougie?" I said, "What? Where did you learn how to Dougie?" Tait replied, "From my dad silly!"
I wonder if daddy showed him these moves too?
Last conversation for the day and it happened fairly recently.
Tait: We're playing guns mom.
Me: Tait, you're not at the ranch. Are you supposed to be playing guns?
Tait: Well, how about if we play dino guns? It's just like robot guns.
Me: Tait, you're not playing any kind of guns.
Tait (grabbing a tennis ball): Well how about if we play bombs instead?
I give up. Boys will be boys.
Finally, when Tait is older, he will despise me for posting this, but it's one of the funniest videos we have of him... Like a rock star! (So glad his Aunt TT captured this!)